Science Journal

Hey, think fast! Do you remember that game we used to play and you had to be really fast to catch the ball or whatever was thrown at you? Well, if you're like me, that was half a century ago...
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L-theanine is a calming supplement and amino acid. It helps insomniacs to unwind so they can sleep. Little did we know, we’ve been drinking a blend of this therapeutic beverage for centuries. While people with insomnia use L-theanine for...
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I get it. You're young and adventurousness. You play as hard as you work and there's nothing wrong with that, but there's just one thing: It's essential you replenish your mind and body with the precious vitamins and minerals...
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SEA BUCKTHORN FOR SKIN, DIGESTIVE HEALTH AND MORE! Sea buckthorn extract has extraordinary uses as an oil but it’s equally as potent and useful as a supplement. Being that it’s highly nutritional and powerful, you would benefit greatly using it...
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L-taurine or taurine is not only an essential amino acid, but it's also valuable as a Nootropic. It’s uses include lowering lower blood pressure, treat hepatitis, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. With the potential to...
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